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Caitlin Hoffman Speaks On Panel For The Movie “Angst”

Local academic intervention specialist Caitllin Hoffman spoke on a panel after the May 14 screening of the acclaimed documentary, “Angst: Raising Awareness Around Anxiety.” “Angst” is a new film created to open up the conversation for both students and adults about anxiety in order to provide tools, resources, and hope.

Movie producers Scilla Andreen and Karin Gornick embrace one goal for the movie -- to launch and facilitate a global conversation and raise awareness about anxiety. Through candid interviews, they utilize the power of film to tell the stories of kids and teens who discuss their anxiety and its impact on their lives, their education, and relationships, as well as how they implement solutions, cultivate resiliency, and instill hope. The film also includes a special interview with Michael Phelps, a mental health advocate and one of the greatest athletes of all-time. In addition, the documentary provides discussions with mental health experts about the causes of anxiety and its sociological effects, along with the help, resources and tools available to heal from anxiety and depression. 

The panel participants included the movie’s executive producer, Karin Gornick; Jenny Howe, the therapist featured in the film; Caitlin Hoffman, founder of Academic Coaching Works; Dr. Rebecca Powers, psychiatrist; Dr. Devin Prouty, psychologist with Pacific Anxiety Group; and Nancy Kong, co-owner of Educational Strategies. Attendees had the opportunity to learn about resources in the Bay Area and to hear from the panelists ways they can support teens in light of this epidemic.

“We have a heartfelt commitment to lower academic stress for teens by teaching them to work smarter and not as hard,” said Hoffman. “Our message to families is to join a learning community such as ours and intentionally begin to make the leap from having anxiety to implementing strategies and tools that lower anxiety." Hoffman is an academic coach, academic intervention specialist and an advocate for teens and parents in Silicon Valley. 

Attendees had the opportunity to learn about resources in the community and hear from panelists on how to support teens in light of the epidemic and rise of anxiety in youth. “Angst” screens in schools and communities across the world. The IndieFlix original film is expected to reach more than three million people around the world, through 25,000 community and school screenings.

Movie Trailer:  Movie Website: 

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